Lina´s enthusiastic curiosity and constant investigation about different forms of art expression, led her to the foundation of MUSIca ALcheMIca, a flexible ensemble that not only allows her to work together with other great musicians in a wide range of styles, but also to meld music with a variety of other multidisciplinary artistic and educational projects.
Different lineups of MUSIca ALcheMIca have performed live concerts in festivals and events in places like Brecize Festival, Musashino Hall Tokyo, Potsdamer Festspiele, Zaragoza Early Music Festival, Madrid Sacred Music Festival, Valladolid Auditorium, Brunnenthal Festival, Vienna ORF Hall, Carlos III Theatre at El Escorial, FeMAP, Kartause Mauerbach, Festival del Pórtico de Zamora, Mahón Festival, Perú, Panamá, Bolivia and Chile. They have also made recordings of music by Legrenzi, Biber, Bach and Haendel for the Austrian Radio ORF, and a life recording for the japanese NHK.
About this multidisciplinary dimension, some remarkable collaborations with marionettes are to be pointed out, specially with Vienna Kabinetttheater and in puppet shows with Francisco García del Águila. These shows have allowed Ms Tur Bonet to take music out of its ordinary context, to integrate a new experience where it is related with marionettes, a theatrical environment and fabulation.
Some other forays into the fields of artistic performance and video release should be mentioned. As well as mixed up poetry and music performances with Spanish poet Antonio Colinas, being the most remarkable one “La Tumba Negra”, a lecture of a long poem by Colinas, which is dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach, where she plays his d-minor solo Partita. Her desire to find new space for music and the afore mentioned concern for interaction with other disciplines, has taken her to play in museums and other cultural premises, such as MuVIM (Valencia Museum of the Enlightment and Modernity), Sala Matadero in Madrid or MACE. The videos by MUSIca ALcheMIca are becoming very popular for their creative and artistical standing.
The ensemble Musica Alchemica was founded in order to interpret music of all epochs and to carry out multidisciplinary projects. It was initiated by the Villa Musica Foundation, which assigned Lina Tur Bonet, as leader, with the task of founding a chamber orchestra which performed Händel’s Alessandro under the direction of Alan Curtis at Engers Castle and at the Potsdam Festival. Since then, Musica Alchemica has performed many other works, including Biber’s Rosary Sonatas in Vienna and Spain, and Four Seasons by both Vivaldi and Piazzolla. In addition, the ensemble has performed Bach’s violin concertos, sonatas of Jacquet de la Guerre, music from Spain and seventeenth-century Venice at various festivals (Brecize, Música Antigua de Zaragoza, Música Sacra Madrid, Brunnenthal, ORF Vienna, Teatro Carlos III de El Escorial and Kartause Mauerbach).
Musica Alchemica has recorded cantatas and trio sonatas of Legrenzi and violin sonatas of Bach and Händel with the harpsichordist Anne Marie Dragosits for the ORF.